Shed on deck blocks

1st step lifting the shed is the step that the customer can do himself before my arrival if he wishes. You only need to raise the shed approximately 10 in. off  the ground. I have specialized equipment to do this as this photo indicates.

1er étape soulever le cabanon

2nd step, put the shed on temporary blocks to install the planks as well as the beams and the rollers.

2e etape deposer le cabanon sur des bloc temporaire 

3rd step, install the planks, rollers and joists these pieces will be used to move the shed. The boards should be relatively level but fairly parallel.

3e étape installer les madrier rouleaux et poutrelle

3rd step, the rollers must be at 90 degrees with the boards and beams so that the shed stays in line with the planks.

3e etape les rouleaux doivent etre à 90 degrés avec la poutrelle

4th step, the rollers are blocked with a lock, this is for safety in the event that the shed starts to roll on its own.

3e etape les rouleaux se bloque nt avec une barrure amovible

5th step, the shed is ready to be rolled obviously after being lowered on the beams.

3e etape le cabanon es t prêt à être roulé

6th step, the locations of the piles are marked, it is necessary to know where the piles will be positioned before moving the shed.

6e etape l emplacement des pieux est marqué avant de le déplacer

7th step the shed is rolled up and the piles are installed on one side. This step only requires a 10 to 12 inch move. This machine works on the same principle as an auger but rotates more slowly. The machine is very compact and can install a screw pile approximately 6 inches from a structure. Note that a pedal controls the movement of the machine, in the event of a loss of balance following a rock blocking the rotation of the pile, removing the foot from the pedal stops the machine. The handles of this machine can be transferred to the end (behind the motor) of the machine so that you can go around a corner.

7e etape le cabanon est roule et les pieux sont installés 

8th step the pile is cut and compacted. This client owns land that is located on a cape of rock, which means that the piles could not be installed over their full length. They were installed down to the rock and then cut to the required length. In order to stabilize the shed piles, earth is removed around the piles and replaced with gravel and then compacted with a compactor whether the pile is fully installed or not.

8e étape le pieux est coupé st compacté

9th step the settings are installed before rolling the shed to the other side. This step is important because once the shed is above the stakes, it is practically impossible to install the adjustments that are 8 in. they must therefore be installed before putting the shed in its original position.

9e étape les réglages sont installés avant de rouler le cabanon de l autre coté

10th step the shed is rolled on the other side. You can see the pile below the structure.

10e etape le cabanon est roullé de l autre coté

11th step the stakes are installed on the other side of the shed in the same way as on the first side.

 Compaction and settings are installed as the first side.

11e etape les pieux sont i nstallé de lautre coté

12th step, the shed is rolled to its original position and placed on the piles, then it is leveled.

12e étape le cabanon est roulé èa sa position originale et déposé et nivelé

Step 13 lag bolts are installed on the settings to stabilize the shed against horizontal forces.

13e etape les tires fonds sont installé sur les réglages




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Owner :
Pierre Ménard

4440 chemin Robinson
Qc, Can J0B 1M0


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